Explore the exhibitions in which Mollaian srl has participated
- Hannover-Germany “Domotex”As far as Domotex is concerned, Mollaian Tappeti Orientali with its professionalism reaffirms its position as leader every year with record results, among a large… Read more: Hannover-Germany “Domotex”
- Sartirana Textile Show, TorinoThe annual Sartirana Textile Show event, held in Torino instead of Sartirana, was a place to exhibit antique Textiles and Carpets. The Mollaian Srl as… Read more: Sartirana Textile Show, Torino
- Qinghai International Carpet Exhibition, Xining, ChinaFinally after a long wait we reached CHINA, a very important destination considering the fact that we have one of the largest collections of so-called… Read more: Qinghai International Carpet Exhibition, Xining, China
- Berlin Antique Rugs&Textile ExhibitionOne of the most important exhibitions in Berlin for antique carpets and textiles. Organized by the Carpet collector and Tim Steinert staff. We had the… Read more: Berlin Antique Rugs&Textile Exhibition
- New York International Carpet ShowThe New York International Carpet Show (NYICS) that since 2004 was an important event to connect buyers with top makers of new/modern hand-knoted carpets and… Read more: New York International Carpet Show
- Sartirana Textile Show, SartiranaAt the Sartriana fair, specialized in the exhibition of ancient pieces, usually participate about fifty qualified merchants from ten different countries such as Italy, European… Read more: Sartirana Textile Show, Sartirana
- Antique and Modern Carpet Exhibition ForlìFor over 15 years we took part to the “antiques and modern carpets fair” at forli with great success, exhibiting many pieces of different style… Read more: Antique and Modern Carpet Exhibition Forlì
- Rugs Parade at Asiago!The city of Asiago hosted a beautiful event in mid August 2004, with participation from our company. This event was held outdoors, and featured a… Read more: Rugs Parade at Asiago!