Tapis Persan Antique Kashan Mohtasham n°:84256264
328 × 255 cm
This is a Kashan that was woven by the famous rug weaver Mohtasham in central Persia circa 1900. Mohtasahm is ....
Détails du tapis
Date (ca.): ca. 1900
Origine: Perse
Champ: All-Over
Design: Motif stylisé
Noeud/Pile: Laine
Chaîne&Trame: Coton
Dimensions approximatives: 350×250 cm
Mode de fabrication: Noué à La Main
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Description du tapis
This is a Kashan that was woven by the famous rug weaver Mohtasham in central Persia circa 1900. Mohtasahm is the most famous rug weaver from Persian that wove rugs between the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. This example is the perfect piece to showcase the type of workmanship that was produced from his looms. This rug uses the highest quality materials and unique designs that are only seen in Motasham Kashan carpets. It has been made using Manchester wool that was imported from the UK and the design of this rug is made up of multiple rows of connecting medallions. Due to all of the medallions being connected they create another row of medallions in between them. The border of this rug is made up of abstract motifs that create a geometric pattern and the navy blue background produces a dramatic color contrast against the pastel field color. This rug is in overall good condition and is ready to be used and enjoyed for many years.
Chez Mollaian srl, nous essayons de faire de notre mieux, en donnant une nouvelle vie à certains vieux tapis présentant des problèmes mineurs, qui peuvent avoir été affectés par l'âge. Ainsi, en plus de ce qui est visible sur les photos présentées, vous disposerez d'un rapport d'état correct et professionnel (incluant les éventuelles retouches effectuées par notre équipe de restauration) que vous ne recevrez peut-être pas chez de nombreux revendeurs.
- Professionally cleaned and ready for immediate use
La ou les restaurations/modifications appliquées à cet article sont les suivantes :
- Extrémités/Franges sécurisées
- Lisières/Côtés sécurisés