卡尚 Mohtasham n:36204673
186 × 136 cm
in spanderal animals (lion huntin-duck)
日期(约): 1900 顷
起源: 伊朗
外地: 奖章
设计: 花香
Knot/Pile: 羊毛 (Kork)
经编&纬纱: 棉
Dimension: 200×150 cm
Production Style: 手工打结
色彩: |
The ivory field with floral and leafy vine around double palmette and flowering vine medallions with bold rosette centrepiece. Indigo spandrels with flowering vine, plants ducks and large grotesque monkeys. In an Indigo border of bold polychrome palmettes and flowering vine between rosette vine, reciprocal and plain stripes.
Very good type with nicely drawn design with unusual motifs. This rig has good pile with fine kurk wool quality. Selvages original. Ends with short fringes. Secured. Colours are well balanced. In general this rug is in very good usable condition. Attractive and elegant piece.
- 经过专业清洁并可立即使用
- 布边/侧面固定
- 末端/边缘固定